
If you are looking to increase flexibility, range of motion, tone and strengthen your muscles, and find ways to be one with your breath, give yoga a try. In the process of resetting your body and mind, you need to learn to have grace and compassion towards yourself. By becoming more aware of your whole body, you learn about where you are and the infinite possibilities that your beautiful body has in store for you. Yoga is about balancing the constant push and pull, bringing close and letting go, giving in and standing your ground.

It’s this beautiful choreography that you start to put together, where the movements follow your breath that is ever changing, and, in the breath, we let feelings come to the surface. We finally allow them to be and we notice what we notice … we don’t judge … we just slowly befriend these feelings and grow through them.

Yoga is much more than touching your toes, having perfect balance or nailing that really hard pose you always dreamed of. It’s a process, starting with rolling out your mat, where that place becomes your sanctuary, where you can just be you, with all your sharp edges, your curves, your scars and all that you are.

There is no reason to hold back being who you are … all that you are … just the way you were created to be.


You are beautiful!!


The Benefits of Yoga

  • Breathing Benefits
  • Less Stress, More Calm
  • Good for Your Heart
  • Better Posture
  • Flexibility
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The Benefits of Yoga
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